Friday, March 7, 2014


Whoo boy. I was planning on blogging about the high pay our teachers get when I discovered it was National Day Of Unplugging?

I kind of did a double take and thought we need a National Day Of Unplugging? What is it?
I went to their website and found pictures of people giving up their electronic devices to do such things as:  play, listen to the birds,cuddle, salsa and so on. It never occurred to me there is such a need out there that we should have a national recognition day. I look around and see people leashed to their phones or have devices permanently sticking out of their ears.

I can see where that could be a problem.  John Tesh says 4 out of 5 people take their phones to the bathroom with them. And,  people check their phones on average twice an hour. Hmm. (I heard his comments some time back, and I hope I have those numbers right.)

We older people are thankfully less addictable  and less in need of immediate sensory satisfaction, me thinks.
The challenge is, can you give up, starting at sundown tonight, anything that buzzes, rings, clinks, vibrates, beeps, chirps, etc. until Saturday night at sundown?

I'll concentrate on the high pay our teachers get tomorrow. Gotta go answer my email. Hmm, I think I am addicted to my email and blog. But, not in the bathroom.

I think I'll read Thoreau:

Men say they know many things;
But lo! they have taken wings, —
The arts and sciences,
And a thousand appliances;
The wind that blows
Is all that any body knows.

He was a master of defining independence and nature. There is a lot to be said for that.

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