Wednesday, March 19, 2014



Sharing The Road Of Life Together!
I’m switching to a new operating system, and a new computer with system 7. Oh, joy. Jim is helping me and encouraging me by saying, you’ll love system 7 over Vista when you get used to it.
This morning, my new operating system allows pop up videos to interfere with my blog, right in my face, will not click off immediately, though it has an off X button. It won’t respond until after you’ve hit it two or three times.
Jim spent about five hours yesterday getting my programs to behave. Nice. Now I can open old documents on my new computer. But, it won’t recognize my old documents in the same form. And instead of clicking on a document to open it, I now, I have to click on the doc, then on O F and then on okay before it will open. Three clicks. And to save any changes I have to…. oh well, bitch, bitch, bitch. You get the point. It is going to be a long week and without Jim’s help, I’d have pitched the S-O-B by now.
WordPress had an announcement about all the coming changes this morning. I watched a video and looked at three different presenters, themes, was one. Another was apps. Apparently there are 27,000 app makers that want to work with WordPress. I can see the changes coming. Why allow users the convenience of one click when three will be better?
I have people tell me they love our site because it is so clean and to the point. I might be long winded but, I don’t have distracting stuff all over my site.  If the presenters have their way, everyone will have to put up with a certain amount of advertising. My daughter alerted me that when I post comments, there are ads next to many of the comments. Don’t you just love it?  We gave up TV because commercials drove us nuts. When it gets too thick, I’m giving notice.
You can tell I’m frustrated. I apologize for bending your ear when everyone out there has faced something similar. We are all in the same …
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