Wednesday, February 19, 2014


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It's moving day. We will park for one night close to Ontario in reach of the airport. Jim's reaction is expressed in the sign above.  He complains because we haven't had much time together this year and it is getting shorter.
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I'm going home to become a  famous artist like this lady, well, hey...all I did yesterday is take pictures of more palm trees to paint. Well,  we know that isn't going to happen, but I can dream a little and choose to play. The truth is, I did the laundry, a zumba workout and read. About 3:00, Jan and Larry came by to share some snacks and a drink and say goodbye.
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When I fly home, I pick up my car which is parked near the airport at my daughters. I've always wanted to paint a car in some artsy way. Maybe I'll do that someday?
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But, this one was probably a bit hard to sell. Maybe I better leave well enough alone.
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This sign reminded me of my friend Guerry. He has a weird cat. More people I know have weird cats. Dogs seem more stable. I no longer have a cat but I had one that drank the leftover spiked eggnog after a new year party and stayed drunk under my couch for two weeks. He was terrified of my vacuum cleaner, but while he was drunk, he let me vacuum him of all of his loose hair. I can hear the pet lovers out there castigating me as I write. But, this was in the early sixties, the very first cat I ever had, and who knew that I probably almost killed him? He came out of it without a single symptom of any harm, still hated the vacuum cleaner, and lived a long life.


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