Saturday, February 8, 2014


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In real estate they say location, location, location. We are fortunate to have a place like this in Palm Desert to enjoy. The sunrise yesterday was stellar. The palm trees were once a producing orchard for medjool dates.
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We did some speed walking, about 40 minutes around the park. I was in the pool by 9:30 for a short swim, then 10 minutes in the hot tub. Ahhh!  I like traveling about, and boondocking, but spending time in a resort IS an enjoyable alternative.  Great beauty makes it that much more pleasant. At 2:00 I went line dancing in the recreation hall.  It was fun and not too difficult for a newbie to catch on.
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For happy hour we visited with
Jan and Larry Seaberg at their permanent site. They spend winters here. We notice the parks are switching to more permanent sites and the "camping parks" as we know them are in many places phasing out.
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Larry, Jan, and Jim got acquainted when they lived in Washington State about 30 years ago.
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Lacy likes to socialize. She walks with everyone in the morning so the kennel isn't as confining as it might seem.
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We walked back to our site under gray skies. Two jets seemed to be playing cross-hatch.

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