Saturday, August 17, 2013


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We left  Grosse Ile yesterday with our usual early morning walk. I get to enjoy other people’s gardens this way.
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The flowers in the neighborhood are much prettier than what I have at home.
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Tall, Ornamental grass I’d never seen before caught my eye.
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Unexpected in such a close neighborhood was this doe and her still spotted fawn right next to the Bronco when I rounded the block. For me, still a treat even though I have pesty deer in my yard at home all the time.
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We left with our electrical problem unsolved. We stopped at an auto supply and picked up new connectors for the “brake buddy” system and battery charger to the Bronco from the motor home. Hopefully, down the line, that will solve the problem. Another stop for a tire rotation and another for an oil change on the motor home. Then, the bumpy interstate 75 north to Fraser Michigan. The roads here are just terrible. Jolting the motor home, jarring your teeth and me picking up things that don’t usually fall or giggle loose.
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We stopped in Fraser, Michigan to have lunch and chat with another old school chum of Jim’s he hadn’t seen in fifty years, Ray Ferullo. We had a good time reminiscing at lunch. Ray was also part of the Revere “gang’s” Shark Auto Club. He conceded that the group of friends, Bill Gallagher, Al Penta, Jim, himself and a couple of others were definitely walking the fine edge of nearly getting into trouble. “No one went to jail,” he said.  “We were ah, “noticeable” around school.”  It was fun.
Then, back on the jarring, bumpy, pot-holed interstate to just outside of Flint, Michigan where we spent the night at a friendly VFW post # 3027. We have been unable to find Soo Hill and Danforth on the map and a woman in the bar got out her atlas and helped us narrow down where it might be. Danforth is old tromping grounds of mine. We had our first home telephone in Escanaba, and our second in Danforth with a multiple party line. For some reason or another I can still remember our phone number in Danforth. It was 2505XJ. We’ll see what happens when we get closer.

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