Tuesday, June 18, 2013


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I’m home struggling through pounds of mail, but still mentally looking back at my week in Las Vegas. My son and his family love Metro Pizza, which is famous for its quality pizza. I’ve been there several times but learned something new from our waitress.
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She is the cutie with the bright red plastic hair. But, my intention is to point out the mural at the back of the parlor.
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Ken told her the family wouldn’t be back because they were moving to California. She exclaimed, “Oh, see the mural?  Those are the best pizza restaurants in the United States by vote of the customers. They’ve joined hands. This mural or something like it, is in every one of those restaurants. If you have your picture taken in front of it at any one of them and  bring it to back here, we’ll give you a $25 gift certificate toward your purchases .”  They all do it. Isn’t that a hoot? As you can see, California to Washington state, part of Nevada and Utah. (Any of these pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them.)
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The state lines are not well delineated on the map, but you can tell approximately where they are by the tourist attractions like Mt. Rushmore.
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You can see the arches in Missouri, and a peak at the Great lakes at the top. Paul Revere’s ride, bottom  and the Appalachians on the right.
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Here you can see a bit of Niagara Falls on the left,  New York to Maine and back down to  Philadelphia.
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Down the East Coast to Florida.
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Texas and Louisiana.

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And one in New Mexico. So, there you have it. You can tell where pizza lovers live.
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There are 11 Metro Pizza places in the Las Vegas area, not just this one in Henderson. And Ken says they are always full. Great place, great eats.
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On June 12th, we left Vegas at 5:00 a.m. and hit the road with two vans and two cars. The U-Haul trailer flashed a check oil light and needed more oil. No one could get the oil fill cover off. Laurie climbed up and tried her hand at it to no avail.
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Laurie and Mason in Mason’s car with the dogs and piles of clothing, and me in Laurie’s car with the plants and some fragile items, drove ahead and would find stopping places where the guys could park two vans with a turn around and any services needed. However did we manage before  cell phones?
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It was a long hard pull. Everyone was tired. The vans don’t have the best air conditioning. Stewart, will be a college junior this fall and had never driven a truck before. He did a commendable job and get’s a bonus for his driving.  We  pulled into the driveway at the new house in Valley Springs, California at about 6 p.m. Everyone was happy to arrive without major mishaps. Now, the guys have to unpack. I’m so pleased that most of my family is in California again.  Kris may make her way back someday, too.  (I can always hope.)

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