Saturday, May 25, 2013


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I love museums and enjoy looking back at how people once lived, the tools they used, the buildings they built the things they cherished. As we move around the countryside, we take pictures of what surrounds us that tells it's own tale of how we live, for we are of our time.  An old rye harvester was in yesterday's blog, but look at this modern jack hammer. The job of breaking up cement was once handled by a man wresting with a machine that shook his muscles and bones to extremes.
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The fine china of yesterday's blog put me in mind of this toilet from the Nugget Hotel in Reno. IMG_2883 (Copy)
It is as ostentatious and beautiful as the Burnie china.
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People lived in mansions, shanty boats, falling down shacks and plain houses. Now, it isn't unusual to find someone living in their car and trailer as this full-time friend of ours does. Full time RVers living on the road, Address Unknown,  are estimated to be a million.  The homeless live in tents, shacks, or as squatters all over the U.S. and we've met some of them, too, especially through Randy Vinings Blog, a former preacher who seeks them out to tell their stories.
Remember those black leather button up shoes of yesteryear?  Obviously more practical then this extreme example of our time. They had extremes in their own way. Extremely restrictive and repressive, especially of women.
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Swimwear for men is different, and sports are more varied and adventurous.
Pam, Hawiian nurse age 65
We live in a time where long hair is less common than days of old when no woman cut her hair. But, this is of our time, we are accepted both ways.
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We express very publicly our sorrows, by nailing teddy bears to a pole near where a child was killed by a car; or place crosses and artificial flowers on the roadside where a friend was killed. We express our joy similarly, with yellow ribbons around a tree, or support causes with bumper stickers or ribbons on the windows of our cars.
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We miniature everything, not only furnishings in doll houses, but real scientific instruments, like this robotic mosquito that can inject poison or medicine at a directed target.
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At one time pets were domesticated for their usefulness; they herded cattle, helped hunt, sounded an alarm. Today they have even more useful functions as police dogs, in medicine and leading the blind. They've also become essential companions and much loved members of the family and are dressed and coddled as children are. My neighbor, Kristi, refers to them as "fur children".
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We are environmentalists. We attempt to keep our world clean, our rivers healthy, our air unpolluted, our resources renewable.  Not that we always succeed, everywhere. Years ago, conservation was the by word; it only referred to conserving resources. We of our time have surpassed that simple goal.
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Sculpture was once limited to cement, plaster, bronze or steel. Today, anything goes. A yarn cab represents what creative creatures we are. Inventive, adventurous, creative, joyful, imaginative. We live our lives fully. We are of our time.

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