Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I listen to the John Tesh radio show in my car. He is known for his short, concise advice, sort of an Ann Landers of the airwaves. He calls it Intelligence For Your Life. (IFYL). I wait for his practical nuggets to come on between the music on my favorite local station. Everyone should have a John Tesh in their life. I learn something from him every time I hear his voice and I love it.

Much of his advice is for the young and inexperienced. He gleans it from sources like, Psychology Magazine, and Real Simple Magazine, Science Magazine...those are three I remember off hand. But, his reach and subject matter is enormous. Everything from parenting, to what questions you ask at the hospital. He talks about relationships and dating, marriage and job hunting, finances, pets, apartment hunting, resumes and spending habits. You could say John Tesh is a teacher of common sense, among other things. If you don't hear John Tesh, ask your station to put him on.

He also has a voluminous archive on-line where you can get his practical advice a second time, or look for things you missed. One time I remember hearing him say, I'm paraphrasing here and don't know if I have it exactly right, but he said women and men both lie on-line. Women lie about their weight and age, men lie about everything. The number one lie from men is whether they are married or not. I went to his archive to check it out and its so voluminous, I couldn't find it. So, keep me honest if you are interested.

And if you are interested in intelligence for your life, check it out at:

This is trivia about relationships from Sam Wein-not John Tesh. People who have never been married are seven-and-a-half times more likely than married people to be admitted to a psychiatric facility. And, during a kiss as many as 278 bacterial colonies are exchanged. Trivia is fun, but, I want the science first, before I give up kissing.

We are looking at snow at lower elevations, here, and the "Weather Wimp" (That's my partner, Jim) is already chomping at the bit to get on the road to warmer climes. In 2009, he stayed through January and February and had to put up with six inches of snow on the Motor Home. Perish the thought!!
I'm actually hoping for a bit of the white stuff because its pretty and it doesn't last long enough to get the shovel out. It brings the skiiers and helps out our local economy.

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