Sunday, October 3, 2010


I knew Murphys annual Grape Stomp was the best, especially after attending one in Clinton, Indiana where they have a great Italian Heritage. Nothing beats this scene. The teams take it seriously, often competing year after year. Some, like the two beauties above, devise "winey" costumes.

For the elimination finals, the last heat of the day, the barrels are filled with 35 pounds of wine grapes.
The two person teams line up. One person stands below the barrel until the MC instructs, "turn over your bucket." The other person stands above the barrel until the signal to stomp is given.
Teams have three minutes to crush their grapes and get the juice into the bucket. Stompers can wear shoes or go bare footed, their choice. The collector uses his/her hands to squish the juice through the spout as quickly as possible.
The pace is fast and furious.
Everyone is enjoying the experience. The audience as much as the participants.
Things can get pretty juicy. This collector was pushing the mush around so forcefully, he was completely spattered with juice and fruit bits.
 And, to top it all off, the "Three M's" found each other and had a short reunion after my 7 months on the road, and Michal, (middle) spent 6 months in Mexico. Madalaine spent the year campaigning for her election as Clerk/Recorder. Both were working the silent auction for the stomp.
The Grape Stomp is an annual event. The stompers take up the Murphys Park. The wine flows, the auction is fun and the food is yummy.  The street is filled with crafts booths and good food.  Don't miss it next year.
For more pictures of grape stomp, click the link:

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