Monday, October 18, 2010


As some of you may know, I get a little goofy about signs I see along the way. Being on the road so much tends to make you notice things others just speed by, and we actually obey the speed limit. So, it came as a surprise to me to learn about Doug Lanksky's website,
He categorizes them into subjects such as: Accidentally R rated, Lost in Translation, Warnings and so on. Well meant, but funny as in BABY ON ROAD?  The sign was photographed in China. Probably Lost In Translation for Baby On Board. Or a church sign by Pastor John Needham. BEHOLD, I COME QUICKLY.  Or how about these intellectual cows from Laytonville, CA.  COWS! PLEASE KEEP GATE CLOSED. Well, it does validate my own obsession. Doug accepts sign photos from people around the world. I may send him some.
I took this photo on Marthas Vineyard. It was on a T-shirt. The guy wearing it told me he works for the company. I didn't ask him where the company was located.
 This shirt was in the bait and tackle shop window.

Humorous quips are always fun but since we aren't television watchers, we don't hear many. Readers Digest printed some funnies. I'll pass on this Jay Leno quip that I liked: "The United States has developed a weapon that destroys people but leaves buildings standing. It's called the stock market."  Too Apt.

And this just before Mother's Day from Barack Obama about his rather rough talking Chief of Staff: "This is a tough holiday for Rahm Emanuel. He's not used to saying the word day after mother."

And how about these fly-ins gleaned from the travel site by Sam Baldwin:
Batman Airport (Turkey)
Useless Loop (Australia)
Moron Airport (Spain)
Eek Airport (Alaska)
Tsili Tsili Airport (Papua New Guinea)

They are all pretty understandable, but Batman Airport???  Hmmm!
I discovered a few other funny websites while looking around. 
On this site, Drew Curtis picks out amusing, dumbass, stupid, etc. items from newspapers.

Another is Michael Bender's

One of my favorites found in an antique shop in Revere, MA.
And this one:
I've forgotten the name of this very small town we passed through somewhere in New England. But, it you need coffee, and there is no other place in site, you are gonna stop.

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