Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Rosie's Bar was a homey place, they say.  Gone now, but not forgotten.
We need art and music to sooth us. And, as the madness of the current election, the money raising frenzy, the lies, distortions and name calling, intrude,  I get my respite by cruising through my pictures and memories for awhile each day.
A beautiful Mardi Gras costume.There is a bit of trivia related to beauty. Caligynephobia is the fear of beautiful women.
The Blues Brothers and the famous Blue Dog from The Blue Dog Cafe.
I think his innocence is what appeals to us.

To have a gate like this is to state your individuality.
A block from a crazy quilt. Keeping warm while rescuing scraps of cloth to become a work of art. Now that is an accomplishment.
Glass so beautiful you feel like you could swim in it.

I like portraits because they make you curious about what is going on in that persons mind, setting, personal space. They evoke wonder. I sometimes wish  that I could paint, or play beautiful music. But, its enough to look and listen.

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