Saturday, September 4, 2010


Horseshoe Lakes Thousand Trails is located about ten miles east of Clinton, IN. Its a beautiful park with several lakes, beautiful play areas, pool, lodge and the usual amenities. The rules here state TAKE NO CATFISH UNDER 21 INCHES LONG.
 Methinks there are some pretty big fish in the lakes. We see permanent campsites here, a new trend with 1000 Trails. People bring their boats.
The scene above is adjacent to the motor home.

Yesterday was windy and cool and vibrant, especially at night. I took photos at several times during the day as we walked around, and a one at night as well.

 Beautiful trees reflected on the lake.

It was so beautiful last night, I took a night walk just as the sun was beginning to set. I could see ducks on the water and the breeze was cool and refreshing.

Same view from the motor home over the lake as it got dark. Its nice to have a place to relax and hold up for awhile just before we head across country back to California for the rest of the year.
Today, we intend to visit nearby Clinton to see what's going on in town.

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