Sunday, August 15, 2010


Yesterday morning, we left Ivoryton after a bon voyage barbeque with Jim's family the evening before. Parting is always a bit sad and remembered fun. I enjoyed getting to know Jim's family, especially paling around with granddaughters, of which  I have none. (I do have delightful grandsons, though.)
Jaime loves her Pepe and decided she would block him from leaving as he was hooking up. What a personality! Of course, father Jim went along with her protest and pretended to drag her away
Down the road through beautiful countryside, across the Hudson River, we stopped at Newburgh, NY. Jim and Ginnie Palumbo, friends from New Jersey, drove up to spend the afternoon with us. Our intention was to tour West Point together, but Jimmy P. ruptured his achiles tendon and wound up in a cast.
  Instead, we settled instead for dinner at Castigliones, a recommended Italian restaurant near the American Legion where we are parked.
The guys both ordered spaghetti and meatballs. Look at the size of those meatballs!
Jim and Ginnie are very dear to us and have promised to visit us in California.
 Jimmy P. was once a truck driver and almost never gets chauffeured by his wife. I shouldn't publish this picture but we all chuckled at Ginnie's parking job, but I firmly believe it was the distraction of having a side seat driver!
 Next up, West Point.

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