Monday, August 2, 2010


Yesterday, we spent the afternoon and evening with cousins Rick and Mike Di Paola, and family, and friends, at Mikes house on Long Pond. This long pond is Mike's back yard and happens to be 4 miles long, a fact that would make it a lake in California. A heavenly place and a wonderful time. Ann's hospitality, says Jim, is always abundant. (True.)
I was thrilled to be able to try kayaking, something Mike and his friend Steve regard as their major recreational activity-as in every day. I kayaked once with my grandson, Stewart and have wanted to try it again. So, off we went.
Mike has a number of boats about the place of various types and sizes since the whole family, (except maybe Ann) go kayaking.
We loaded into the boats and paddled across the pond to a quiet cove. I got a lesson on invasive species and the strange Massacusetts' laws that prevent a fix. Pond weeds that choke the pond could be irradicated by the introduction of sterile carp. They eat the stuff then die after five years without reproducing. Nope! The carp introduction is against the law in MA. The guys once found a dead kingfisher that dove for his breakfast and got caught in the weed and drowned.
Mike talked about other plants and trees and the tranquility offered by kayaking on a quiet pond, de-stressing at the end of the day, and enjoying nature. That's what appeals to him.
Steve demonstrates the best way to relax, just rest your elbows on the sides, lean back and enjoy a quiet float. Relaxation and exercise is the best part of "paddling". The guys kayak winter and summer. They know how to paddle against the currents in a river and still move forward. Experts, in other words. 
Mike's brother Rick has NEVER gotten into a kayak. Mike claims that he is still working on him.
We enjoyed good food and chat, but the entertainment was provided by Vinnie, a two year old Boston Terrier, who continually played with his "trained" humans. An amazing little guy who could jump fences and chase for hours, if you were willing.

Mike put his plastic bottle on the handle of the pick to challenge him for awhile.
We spent the morning at the Festa Parade. More on that tomorrow, but, lunch time, knowing we will soon leave the area, Jim had his final fish & chips at his favorite restaurant, Gene's Famous Seafoods in Fairhaven. Its been written up in USA Today and a couple of other local papers. But, no matter, the cod is the greatest.

1 comment:

  1. :)Wonderful blog. Glad to be a part of it!
    - Ashley Di Paola
