I attended a retirement party for my friend Madelaine Krska. She retired from the county as head of the Elections Department and is moving to Arizona as soon as she sells her place. Dang. Maddie gave all the good parties. Now, none of us know what to do?
She requested we come in costume so I went as a gambler. I didn’t make any money at it, but I had a lot of fun.

This is Maddie and a friend whose name I don’t know.

The Arts council puts on a fun event named for the Great Gatsby, and many people at the party attend that event and dressed to do the Charleston and show off their 1920’s and 30’s costumes.

I fit right in with the gangsters.





Irene sang along with the band.

I normally take decent pictures. With my spare battery in the motor home I avoided flash in a very low light situation, and should have taken 25 good flash photos instead of 104 lousy ones, most of which I had to throw out. Those I saved are mostly marginal. Dang, again. I gambled and lost.

Goodbye, Maddie. We’ll visit you in Scottsdale.

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