A long day yesterday, getting through a colonoscopy, one of those unpleasant procedures we don't like to talk about. My son took me to lunch afterwards in Lodi. It didn't seem like a good idea to carry an expensive camera along with me, but I always have my tiny Canon as a spare. On the way home, I stopped for a haircut and a pleasant visit with friends in Angels Camp, Bill and June Foster. We had a glass of wine and went through their scrapbooks on Turkey and Nepal. The night was so warm, we could sit on their deck and enjoy the moon in our shirt sleeves.
This is December. When I got home, Karen told me the water situation is so drastic, our water company warned we will be water rationing with huge fines, up to $1000 for overages. This weekend I have to decide what plants should be allowed to die by reducing my sprinkling system to half. I could see it coming.
My friend John Seiferth had a sign from the 1970's during a long-term California drought. It was before I was blogging and I didn't think to get a picture of it. KEEP IT MELLOW YELLOW. IF ITS BROWN FLUSH IT DOWN. Oh, boy. As my kids used to say. Gross!
I know the drill, shorter showers, curb your garden water, don't water your car, fill your dishwasher full before turning it on. Don't let the water run while brushing your teeth.
I decided I needed to do something soothing so I went through some picture albums. I like benches, fun signs, barns, mailboxes, birdhouses, artwork, teapots, rugs, quilts, and I take pictures of stuff like that wherever I go.

I love this painting so much, I keep a copy of it on my desktop. It was in a Museum somewhere, but I've forgotten where. I was just grateful they allowed me to photograph it.

This is a painting of Rene Wiley's alley series. She has a gallery in Galveston, Texas.

This painting is by Lawrence LeVeque.

This is another of Leveque's. I met the artist and when I bought this painting from him, I didn't think to take his picture. Darn. He gave me great advice on how to keep your oil paintings healthy. I have a big painting in my dining room I've allowed to get sun damaged. It happens slowly. It only took sun for a short time each day in the winter. I didn't notice it until the damage was done.

I still have medical appointments in the coming days. A mammogram and an echogram, plus never-ending paperwork. From my compromised credit cards, I have to make arrangement for those bills that were automatically drawn from those credit cards. It is easy to forget, until you get that phone call.
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