Yesterday, I flew from Sacramento to Memphis to resume my favored lifestyle, being a perpetual tourist and blogging about it. It helps to have the proper tools for our active lifestyle and that demands good health and physical fitness. My whole life is now defined by before the accident and after the accident. I was taking two prescription drugs, blood pressure medication, and prescription strength ibuprofen as needed for osteo arthritis. I could climb mountains, bike up hill, swim, walk all day. Life was good, and still is.
At one point after the accident I was taking 13 more drugs. I studied on-line and took myself off most of them.
I’ve had a set back with some intense pain. I’m not using this venue to complain about the accident, but I’m as frustrated as everyone else who has gone through test after test and procedure after procedure, poking,prodding, trying this and trying that. Before leaving home my doctor shot me up with cortisone, six shots, and they aren’t working. I’ll be seeing an acupuncturist in Memphis, soon. The bills from the accident are already at 79,000 plus. Luckily I have good insurance.
Unprecedented for me, I chose “Assistance” for my flight and was grateful that I did. Jim calls it aging gracefully, but that isn’t going to fly with me. I’m going to fight it all the way, even if it is going to be a slow recovery. All through this process I checked with the latest health news through John Hopkins and other leading medical sites and waded through original studies to assess what my doctor was recommending for me. I believe, we have to be our own doctors. With information on-line, we can.
Here is what I am sending to my doctor this morning and my insurance company. I hope it is sent by you to your doctor and your insurance company. Maybe we can put some sanity and intelligence back into our medical care so I don’t have to “age gracefully”, but live life at the age I feel, instead of the age I am. This is IDOCTOR.
Be warned this video is lengthy and has a five second ad in front of it,but don't miss it.
And, while you are

watching, I’ll continue to enjoy my pictures of the funky sunset we saw last night: Life is good and it is going to get better.

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