When we arrived, the WINs were out, but Jim recognized their rigs.

We wandered down by the fishing docks and watched people fish. This woman said she was fishing for catfish.

Her husband hoped to catch a bass. He got one earlier but had to throw it back because it was too small.

On the next dock, this group said they were hoping to catch trout.

While standing there, the wind blew a plastic container with potato chips off the railing and into the water.

This young woman managed to snag it and drag it back up.

These two guys said they were hoping to catch some time away from home.

When the WINs returned from their daily excursion, we met them for cocktails at 4:00. It is a tradition to bring your drink, and snacks, and have a chat. Ellie is an old-time pal of Jim's who has been on the road for over ten years full-time. Next to her is Paul, a newbie. Originally from Michigan, then a Californian from Modesto. Just retired and is a full timer.

Pat still keeps a house in Oakdale but travels in her rig for months at a time.

The group celebrated another Pat's birthday. She is trying the lifestyle out. She is on the left. Arlene, on the right is from West Virginia.

Garth, at the end of the table, is a retired school teacher and also new to life on the road and enjoying it.

The WINs are huggers and in the mornings they meet with MUGS and HUGS. They start every day together and end it together before reporting to the privacy of their rigs. No one is required to take part in any planned activities. Ellie is the volunteer leader of this group traveling together as they move East. They plan their stops together and figure out where to dump and water and stay. There is something for everyone in this type of travel. I admire these women who have the guts to go it alone on the road in their respective rigs. I don't know if I could do it by myself, even with the comfort of a group.
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