Angelo is a five-year old and can’t quite grasp the card games the older kids like. His mom helped him with concentration, while the girls and I played Dirty Eight. It is swift moving and everyone likes it.

Later in the day, we visited the Logging Museum at White Pines, which is about 14 miles above Murphys. The logging museum turned out to be a great place for all ages. Toys piled in a corner kept the youngest one engaged with a new-found friend while the rest of us enjoyed the exhibits. Everyone liked the giant pencil and out-door equipment exhibits, but I forgot to bring my camera. For travelers with kids, the Logging Museum is a definite yes and be sure and bring their swim gear. Afterward, we had a dip in the lake and the kids enjoyed the playground equipment and an ice cream down town Arnold. I’m looking at my own community with much appreciation. There is much more to engage adults, but kids find much to enjoy as well.
We’ve gotten into a routine, now. I know what foods they like the most, and what they don’t like. And I’m enjoying the card games as much as the kids. Wearing them out on the trampoline seems to tire them out enough to sleep like logs. All in all, it makes for a busy day for me. I cooked rice in the solar cooker and sliced up giant zucchini slices to dry in the sun. They are learning gobs about how other folks do things.
Tomorrow, they travel to Burson and spend a week with their Uncle Clark, my youngest brother.
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