Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Yesterday, before leaving our park, I had a last good swim after breakfast. Got a 10 minute massage in the hot tub and Jim was packed up to go. We  switched directions, making a beeline to  Bellingham, Washington  to look at real estate. A longer drive than normal and this is what it looked like-We passed through historic Raymond where there must have been a hundred metal sculptures along the road. They tell a story of the area, pioneers, ox teams, ag, fish, logging, kids, Indians, all sorts of wild animals, moose, deer, cougar. But rain made it impossible to grab a shot from the window.

Steady, hefty rain most of the day.  We stopped to shop and eat lunch during a little break. As soon as we were back on the road, the rain resumed. The natives are complaining about  unusually wet weather as in:  "Geez, its June and its still cold." But,Kin Hubbard says:  "Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while."
Before leaving the park, I took a photo of this lithadora. I love this plant. I have it in my yard where it struggles. Here it grows in happy profusion. I can enjoy it in the picture, and besides, earlier, I took a picture of it and misidentified it as liatris. So, this picture is by way of a correction.  Another 150 miles ahead of us today.